We carefully and responsibly manage the most important resource of your company: people

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We respond within 24 hours to any financial/accounting, tax and HR/salary queries. Together with you, we build the right solution for your business.

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For more than 17 years we have been working with companies in various fields. We can certainly help you!

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We are continuously informing about the legislation in force and keep you informed about its evolution, we adapt to changes and turn them into opportunities for you.

Human resources are a vital part of any organization and that’s why we support you by offering human resources management and payroll services.

These services can be delivered in several variants, depending on the client’s specifics and requirements, as follows:

  • only the actual calculation of wages, or
  • complete outsourcing of the service, including the administration of personnel files and the assignment of a payroll specialist to the client’s premises.

Regardless of the size of your company, you will benefit from the support of our own team of consultants to solve problems as quickly as possible.

For you to:

  • Be able to allocate time to formulate clear, specific and measurable objectives for your employees
  • Be able to measure and influence employees’ performance as a whole
  • Take the hassle out of preparing and managing personnel documents
  • Make sure that your personnel documents have been drafted correctly, completely and on time. This will save you time in the future, save you penalties and similar problems
  • Be sure that your working relationships with your employees are carried out in a perfectly legal framework
  • Be able to assess available human resources and decide on their optimization

We deal with:

  • Drawing up the individual employment agreement;
  • Drawing up an addendum to the individual employment agreement;
  • Drawing up the decision to terminate the individual employment agreement;
  • Drawing up a decision to suspend the individual employment agreement;
  • Drawing up personnel files;
  • Drawing and issuing personnel documents (copies of agreements, bank statements, medical certificates, seniority records, etc.);
  • Administration, auditing and archiving of personnel files in accordance with the legal provisions in force and the specific requirements of the company;
  • Management of activities related to meal vouchers;
  • Entries in the employee register (REVISAL);
  • Drawing up the holiday leave situation;
  • Submission of vacancy offers to the County Agency for Employment (AJOFM);
  • Submission of the documentation for obtaining the subsidies to the County Agency for Employment (AJOFM).

For you to:

  • Make sure your employees are paid fairly and on time, according to the performance and commitments you have agreed together
  • Make sure that you pay your taxes correctly to the state and you will not have any problems in the future in this respect
  • Make sure your employees are focused and working on the important tasks the day before they get paid, instead of worrying about waiting for their salaries
  • Be able to objectively analyse employee’ performance vs. salary costs for optimal efficiency

We deal with:

  • Time sheet preparation;
  • Salary calculation;
  • Preparation of the payment statement;
  • Preparation of payment orders with the obligations to the state budget;
  • Preparation and submission of the declaration on the payment obligations of social contributions, income tax and nominal record of insured persons;
  • Wage cost calculation;
  • Preparation of the salary statement;
  • Preparation and provision of reports requested by the authorities, including for the National Institute of Statistics;
  • Preparation of cost-salary/employee financial reports.

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If you want to contact us about any fiscal or financial matter, please call us at any of the following phone numbers +40-364-807.772 / +40-733-074.606 or send us an e-mail at

For a personalized offer, just request an offer here.